Little Indian

November started being one of my favorite months this year. My beautiful son was born on this month and this year he is turning One... Im crying inside, but happy at the same time. He has brought so much joy and happiness to us with his energetic personality and adorable smile.
For his first Birthday I have chosen a theme of.."Cowboys and Indians"
I thought it was perfect since his birthday lands on Thanksgiving weekend. Earlier this year we had a photo-shoot where I had a fun time propping this set-up. I will share with you where I bought most of the items and where you can find these adorable Tee Pee's. I had a hard time picking the colors because there are so many cute ones. Gavin's Teddy is in most of the images. Teddy was the first toy I ever bought him and he is spotted in many of our little shoots. I hope Gavin holds on to him as he gets older, that is if Teddy stays in good shape :)
Thank you Kasia Duda Wallace for taking these beautiful pictures. xoxo